Sunday, March 10, 2019

Zion National Park

Adele didn't have school on Friday, and Stella isn't starting school until tomorrow, so we took advantage of a long weekend and headed to Southern Utah. All week it forecasted snow on Friday and temps in the low 30s in Zion National Park, but this was our chance to show Stella this beautiful place, so I was determined to go anyway. During our time there it was partly cloudy, no snow and mid-40 degrees! And with all the rain there were several waterfalls throughout the park.

Every time I enter this sacred place I am in awe. The rocks, trees, rivers (and falls) and birds all sing praises to their great creator. It is hard to take it all in; to look at it and feel it enough.


It was the last day we could drive our own car in. The following day the shuttle service began. We could stop whenever we wanted to capture the majesty of those rock formations. These girls were good sports, letting me take a lot of pictures.

We stopped to look in some rock and gift shops in Springdale, the small town at the entrance of Zion, and we had a delicious lunch at Oscar's Cafe with this view.

That evening we had Thai food with my brother Mitch, his wife Joann and boys Tag and "Dooz". It was pretty close to a perfect day.

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