Sunday, March 3, 2019

Exchange Student

We got an email from Ceci's school several months ago asking if a family was interested in hosting a 15-year-old, German student for 3 months. Geoff and I were immediately excited about it. Adele and Ceci were interested in the idea but had their reservations. For starters, they were just enjoying their own rooms for the first time in their lives, and that would have to be given up so the exchange student could have her own space. But maybe an even bigger hesitation was the unknowns of having a stranger in your personal safe place. Home.

We love adventure and new experiences, but this one seems to be a more mental and emotional adventure of sorts. A few days ago Ceci said, "Stella is going to know that I..." It is true. All of our family quirks, dynamics, habits and imperfections will be exposed. That is a little vulnerable. I mean, I like to believe that I'm super organized, eat really well and am generally of a consistent mood, but maybe having someone live here will bring out the true realities! Our exchange student is going to see that my kids complain of no food in the house starting two days after I've been shopping, and that maybe they're right. And maybe she'll open a closet and see it is long overdue to be cleaned out. And maybe she'll witness the not-so-nice moments we would all like to think aren't so common. We all have our behind-doors persona, and then we all have the person we like to think we are! I have found this all very amusing as we've gotten closer to her arrival.

And I like to think that we are humans and have physical and emotional messes, and we'll provide an amazing experience for this young adventurer, who I'm sure will be on her best behavior too. I mean, she's moving to a new country and unpacking her things in the home of strangers!

And then we'll all finally let our guard down and be ourselves and love each other. That is how I see this going.

Yesterday as we prepared Ceci to move out of her room, Adele hung up a "Roommate Wanted" ad in the hall. Ceci texted the ad number with interest and a photo of herself...

Who wouldn't want her for a roommate? Adele responded warmly with a photo of herself...

So funny. Those two continually delight me with their shenanigans!

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