Thursday, March 14, 2019

St. Moritz, Switzerland

Every year a YGL (Young Global Leader) group gathers and competes in one of the largest cross-country races in the world. Geoff has been wanting to go for years, but for one reason or another it hasn't worked out. But THIS was his year!

He arrived in St. Moritz a few days early to downhill ski. Weather was pretty brutal and conditions icy, but he enjoyed it for a few hours when it cleared up.

When the YGL group arrived they had three days of instruction on how, exactly, to cross-country ski. Geoff had never done it before. As a matter of fact, his health had prohibited him from training at all for this race, so he wasn't sure how much he would compete.

The day of the race he was feeling strong. Here is the whole YGL group.

Thousands at the starting line.

And with no training, Geoff finished that half marathon!

He placed 72nd in some category, a category that Geoff said must have only had 72 people. This was his first race in 10 years, due to his many health challenges and he finished feeling tired but good!

Now that is something serious to celebrate!

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