Friday, March 22, 2019

Morocco - Part 2

This was written from Geoff today about their short stay in Chefchaouen (Blue City) in the mountains.

Chefchaouen, where we spent last night and this morning and afternoon, is a walled medieval city built into a hillside, like Menton. It was built up by refugees from Spain during the 'reconquista' when the crusades were trying to drive the Muslims out of Spain and Portugal, where they had been for 400 years (they were eventually there for almost 800 years - from about 600-1490). Chefchaouen is mostly painted various shades of blue for some reason. Mosquitoes? It feels very much like Eze or Menton, with twists and turns and cute steps and alleyways - but blue, blue, blue! We loved it!

This was their Airbnb.

Off exploring...


 Always cats. And lots of them!

The market here is supposed to be much more relaxed than markets with serious hagglers in bigger cities. Looks like Ceci picked up a rug!

And then on to another bus to another town.

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