Saturday, March 23, 2019

Miss Tennie is 19!

We're going to interrupt Geoff and Ceci's Moroccan adventure to talk about Tennie turning 19 yesterday!

I picked her up from the train station with the Beatles "You Say It's Your Birthday" song blaring from the windows, a traditional song we play first thing on a birthday morning. We missed Ceci's dressing up and dancing, though!

Our festivities revved up in the evening when we had a Girl's Night Out with Geoff's sisters (we missed cousin Bailey who is sick). At Tennie's request, we met at Cedars of Lebanon for a Middle Eastern dinner experience. Oh my that food was good.

A belly dancer showed up and Tennie and Britt jumped up to give it a go.

Britt is always up for a good party. She dressed up in her Turkish dress for the occasion. I love her face in this next picture.

She is so fun! She broke out some party hats.

Beautiful Erica can get a little crazy when away from her two sets of young twins!

The party for some of us continued at Classic Fun Center for some rollerskating. Us older partygoers hadn't been on skates for over 20 years! And Tennie doesn't ever remember rollerskating, just iceskating. Luckily they have these geriatric-looking training wheel tools for folks like us.

I didn't get any pictures of me in my red, sequined jacket that only slightly distracted from my knee and wrist guards as I tried to reacquaint myself with rollerblading. And Britt showed up in bell bottoms, which were very appropriate.

Most astonishing was the 10:00PM crowd that came in. All kids under 16 have to go home (Stella passes), and all sorts of sub-culture, rollerskating regulars appeared. Lots of them. Very good people watching!

We rolled in around midnight. It was a great night celebrating one of the world's best humans. Happiest 19 years, Tennie!

Oh, and P.S. Geoff and Ceci found a Lebanese restaurant and joined our celebrations from afar.

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