Sunday, March 24, 2019

Snapshot of Tennie - Part 1

Tennie describes herself as "ageless", and for good reason. She is always a kid. She has always been an adult. She has always been old as the hills and seas and deep forests.

Looking back, I can see all sorts of clues as to how Tennie would evolve into an adult. Many of these I have mentioned previously, but they still represent her as a person today.

Tennie came out of the womb conqueror, explorer, creator, comedian, peacekeeper and with a connection to all living things. We often use to say, when she was just a toddler, that her spirit wanted to burst out of her tiny physical body. She was expansive, exuberant, independent, sensitive and loving from day one. She loved to push all limits.

Last year on Instagram I articulated aspects of Tennie and want to capture it here.

When she learned to walk she pretty much said, "I've got it from here, mom!" That is when I realized her gift of independence. From there unfolded a wild imagination, never-ending creativity, insatiable curiosity, and ability to lead a group from fantastical play to a rally for good, a strength to move mountains and a power of goodness that exceeds the limits of her mortal body's limits. She's smart, capable, kind and loves all people. I count my blessings I get to be the mother of such a human.

She is a creator. This sounds pretty exaggerated, but the world is her canvas. She sees possibilities in ideas, words, object, nature, cultures and people. It comes out magically in her writing and many creative expressions. She pulls from here and there to create beautiful things at home, school, with friends and community. If she envisions it, it will happen. And often just being part of something, it happens.

She is an explorer. She would live in nature eating bugs if she felt that were the full meaning of her life. She is perfectly comfortable and confident in the wild. As a matter of fact, she prefers to venture off of the beaten path, both literally and symbolically in her life. She likes to pave her own way. She likes to see what hasn't been discovered yet. And she likes to do it all barefoot. And when we travel, she likes the back roads, the non-touristy areas to see what a place is really like; to interact with locals in a very real and authentic way. She LOVES road trips, even sleeping in the car or under the stars, all while surviving by eating a can of Spagettios, cold.

Tennie doesn't like people to tell her what to do. Not in a resisting authority kind of way, and rarely a disrespectful kind of way (I wouldn't have said that when she was two), but in the way that she wants to figure things out. She is ok with the bruises and scars that come from blazing her own trail.

Tennie loves all living things. She cares deeply about nature and God's creations. She has a reverence for them all. She also loves all people, particularly the underdog. She really seeks connection, especially with those who are starving for one. She's considered being an inner city school teacher. She wants every kid to feel loved, respected and to realize their greatness. It is the same with minorities, the homeless, and anyone else forgotten or on the fringe. Her everyday needs are pretty minimal. If she has money, she gives it away.

Tennie and her friend, Callie in California a few weeks ago.
Tennie is an activist. She will stick up and rally around all those living things above. If there is a march for a marginalized group, she's in it. If there is a choice to be the voice of someone whose voice is not heard, she'll choose it. Another potential career option is an activist journalist. Some things need to be said, and she's willing to take the arrows in her back to say them.

We recently heard of a major called International Peacekeeping. Tennie immediately expressed interest. She has the kind of strength and capacity to make significant changes in people's and group's lives. She loves to push cultural boundaries and encourage people to see things in a new way.

She has come home pretty much every weekend since at BYU. When she comes home an energy fills the house. We all laugh more, discuss more and come together more. Again, she is a gatherer, connection maker, builder and peacemaker. She always chooses kindness. At BYU she holds a Sunday night tea party for all the girls on her dorm floor. At first she provided the mugs and tea and honey, and now all the regulars have their own mug, and contribute to the gathering.

And is she ever fun! She is silly and crazy and funny and laughs easily. She sends me memes often that make me laugh out loud.

She is super smart and curious and doesn't buy into hoop jumping. She learns what she wants to learn because she's curious. Always has.  Currently she is taking Islam and Christianity, Medicinal Herbs, Astronomy and International Cinema. She told me she wished she could major in each one, and how she wished she knew all her professors knew about the topic. I love her curiosity.

Lastly in this jumbled mix of adoration for Tennie, is her conquering soul. Anything is possible. Her inner strength is remarkable.

There is no one else like her.

Happiest NINETEENTH birthday, Tennie!

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