Monday, March 25, 2019

Snapshot of Tennie - Part 2

One more post to capture the family texts that came in on Tennie's birthday.

Tennie, I love that you are so adventurous. And that you are so confident and capable; you really are good  at stuff! I love your determination - you can do anything! And I love your sense of humor. I love how fun you are and I love how you love me. I love how you live your religion through love - showing people how you feel and how we should all act. I love your love of justice and equity - you are going to change the world! I LOVE you!!!! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday Tenn! There are no words to give justice to how amazing you are but here is an attempt...I love how creative you are! Your head seems to be in another more expressive and wonderful world. I love your sense of humor and your laugh! I love how compassionate you are about everyone and how you are always going to stand up for your opinions and speak your mind. I love how aware of the world you are! The world needs more people like you! And the people that are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do! I hope you have a magnificent birthday and I wish I was there with you to celebrate!

Happy happy birthday, Tenno!! I am so grateful for you and love you so much! I love how creative and imaginative you are, how passionate and dedicated you are to causes of justice and to being a voice for the voiceless. I love that you love fiercely and unconditionally. I love your thirst for learning and understanding, and that you delve in deeply to issues and aren't satisfied with canned answers. I love how kind and warm and welcoming you are to everyone. I love how sincerely interested you are in others' lives. I love your adventurous and brave and full-of-life spirit. I just love you like the dickens!!

Happy birthday, Ten! You are an amazing person. It has been so fun to get to spend more time with you this year. You are determined, charismatic, confident, thoughtful and outward looking, capable, smart, creative and have super interesting ideas. I love you lots!

Happy birthday, Tennie! It is so fun to read all the wonderful things people say about you, and to know the YOU behind all the awesome compliments. You love so fiercely that your heart might burst out of your ribcage. Your creativity and imagination have fueled hundreds of hours of playtime. Your musical abilities are beautiful. I love WHO YOU ARE, and that I get to be with you forever. Happy 19 fat ones!

Happy birthday Tennie! There are so many ways I love you it would take me tennie years to explain! You are so gifted in every way. Your heart is pure gold. Your smile is pure joy. Your talents are purely endless. Your desire to make an impact and change in the world is pure inspiration. Your mind is surely brilliant. Your charm is surely evident. Your passion is resilient. Your thirst for knowledge is admirable, love for your family adorable and the world is yours to explore(able). I am so honored to be related to you and I'm so excited to see the many beautiful things that you will do in this lifetime, this is just the beginning! I love you today and every day and I can't wait to party with you!!

Happy happy happy birthday to my dearest darlingest Tenno!!! I love your curiosity, your determination, your hilarious nature, how easy going you are, how much fun it is to spend time with you doing anything, how interested in others you are, how you always look at the positive and the good in a situation, how caring and gentle you are -- I love everything about you and am so glad I got to spend time celebrating your wonderful life tonight!

Happy belated, Tenn! You are so awesome. It is fun to talk with you about so many things because you are interested and knowledgeable about so many things. I just wish we could hang out more often! We still have a spot for you any time you make your California trip! You are a remarkable person, with tons of good things in store. 19 is an awesome year!

Tennie is well loved!

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