Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Morocco - Part 4

As these two explorers arrived in Marrakech, they decided to slow down their pace, as Ceci was still not feeling great. They never did make it to the big, famous market there (although they had been to other markets and didn't really want all the bustle). But they did make their all-day desert tour.

Their driver first took them to the last oasis on the edges of the Sahara Desert, a town called Ait Ben Hammoud, a town along the old caravan route.

I love these pictures capturing Ceci's laugh. I wonder what was so funny? And that background could be Southern Utah!

This is the oasis part.

Someone got a little lazy with the tile work here...

And an old classic...

And of course...

And a little artistic fun...

They ventured out a bit into the Sahara, and then I don't think the landscape changed much. Just lots of nothingness.

They made the 4+ hour ride back to Marrakesh. Sometimes things got a little silly.

The next day they wandered around the city a bit. Just enough to pop into a local pharmacy.

What is all of that colorful stuff?! I want to sit and watch in there for a couple hours!

Ceci also held a snake...

Or two... (I love the token hat they put on top of her other hat. Must be a charmer getup. She looks super excited to have it on.)

Geoff kept his distance from the cobra.

And then on to their final stop, a surf and yoga retreat.

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