Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July Wrap-Up

This wrap-up mostly consists of this past week since we have been out of town the rest of the month.

Geoff went to California to surf and sit on the beach for four days just after returning from Ghana. He is now home and fighting some kind of stomach/digestive issue he picked up in Africa almost 5 weeks ago. Fun fun!

Tennie and a friend went on an epic road trip up to Banff National Park, over to Victoria, down to Seattle for a few days, a short stop-over in Portland, and then a long drive home. They slept in the car and ate Spaghettios. Cold. Out of the can. She is a minimalist of a different breed than I am!

The girl's cousin Taeya came home from McCall with us and has been here this week. We went to the 24th of July parade (this was my first and last time). People were staking their spots the day before, and hundreds slept out! Lots of high school bands and stake floats.

They've made several trips to Starbucks for specialty drinks. They've been to the mall a couple times. They've eaten four boxes of popsicles.

They've seen Mama Mia 2 twice, and they have memorized every song and filmed their reenactments.

They've created a movie about spies, since that is their deep, vocational aspiration.

They spent an afternoon rollerskating and playing laser tag. We went to the Sugarhouse farmer's market and tried out homemade ginger beer, empenadas and crepes.

We went to Park City for an evening concert with my brother and his family, and our good friend Ashley and her kids.

And on a somber note, Taeya brought her hamster, much to Adele and Ceci's delight. The hamster developed an eye infection, which caused his eye to bulge out, which was quite distressing. They administered eye treatments with salt water. The eye infection passed to our cat. Now feeling like a vet clinic, eye treatments expanded. Then one morning the hamster began to chew its own hand, hop up and down and sort of spasm out. Finally after this short episode, it fell on its face and didn't move all day. By the end of the day the little guy died. A funeral was held, and the hamster was buried in our small planter pot cemetery with fish and birds who have passed on during our living here.

Finally, we had a Brinton family reunion, the first in many, many years. It was really fun to see aunts and uncles, cousins and their kids (and some grand kids!) There was a taco truck, an auction (to offset costs and donate to the Road Home) and karaoke. Good times.

Happy Summer!

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