Monday, July 2, 2018

YGL Lunch

We attended a different church and loved the light these beautiful people have! Geoff and I attended Sunday School with Adele and Ceci (since we teach the youth Sunday School class at home). Look at these bright youth!

In the afternoon we met up with two YGLs. Enyo (on the left) is from Ghana, and Susan was in town from Tanzania, both are delightful.

We went to a party sponsored by a well-known Ghanaian who founded hip hop in the country. It was too loud for any kind of conversation, so we headed back to Enyo's home.

Enyo went to college in the US at UVA, where she described the racial discrimination she encountered. I realized my ignorance at how much racism still exists in the United States. (Tennie has been trying to tell me.)

Susan studied in Michigan, and she said people were racist towards her but she didn't realize it, she just thought the people were mean. She felt Africans are a little more immune to the effects of racism when in the US. They are confident and move forward, unaware of the attitudes that attempt to hold them down. They don't have the fear or expectation of discrimination.

The conversation was fascinating. They felt African Americans resent their confidence. They resent Africans for selling their ancestors. How long will it take to change racism in America? African tribes are racist towards each other, too, in some cases. We discussed many interesting questions and realities.

I love meeting good, interesting people! I love having my eyes opened to things I didn't know or I haven't thought about hard enough. There are many of those things here in Africa.

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