Thursday, July 12, 2018

Final Days

Our last two days were relatively uneventful. Before Geoff and Michael were off one day, we went to an artisan market for tourists. We anticipated annoying sellers forcing their goods on us, but it was worse than expected. We were the only prey in the market too. Oh, you don't want a bracelet? How about a necklace? No? How about a t-shirt? No? How about a wallet? You don't want a wallet? How about... You get the idea. There is no such thing as browsing around here.

At one point we found some beaded bracelets we liked and thought we would take back for cousins. We spent 15 minutes sorting and deciding which ones to buy. When we finally asked how much (we should have agreed to a price first), this master, white-skinned predator gave us an outrageous price. We offered much lower. He didn't budge. Our driver Joe happened to accompany us through the market and he began a heated argument with the shop owner in Twi, the native language. I thought it was going to break out in a fist fight! Finally Joe told us it was way too expensive and we should move on. Negotiations over. Later he explained that he could walk in there and buy the same thing for a small fraction of the price, and he had let the guy know. I'm sure the shop owner was not about to give us his black brother's price and was mad this guy was ruining his ruse!

When Ceci saw this dress on this hanging mannequin, she said, "Well, that dress is made for certain body types!" (Not ours, I might add!)

The shopping was so exasperating, we didn't stay too long. So strange they wouldn't barter! High price or no deal.

When going out to dinner for the last time at our favorite World Cup-watching restaurant, Coco Lounge, the traffic was terrible. We had been telling our driver, Joe, that he needed to get a siren so he could zip on past the traffic, as we often see government cars do. He laughed and laughed. Then one went by and Geoff jokingly said, "Joe! Follow it!" Without hesitation, Joe lunged the car from the near standstill line of cars and clipped right behind the speeding car with a siren! We were shocked! What would have taken 30 minutes took 3 minutes. No joke! Go Joe Go!

Go France!

And then we packed and swam and watched one more World Cup match and our trip to Africa was over.

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