Sunday, July 8, 2018

Accra LDS Temple & MTC

We went to the Accra LDS Temple, and it was so amazing to see so many African Saints dressed in white with their characteristic brilliant smiles! What a wonderful place.

Our friend Michael arrived. He is joining Geoff's team in the near future and is jumping in here in Ghana. It is really fun to have a familiar face.

We walked next door to the MTC (Missionary Training Center), where Geoff's brother Ian's mission president and his wife are now serving as MTC presidents. Geoff and President Allen did some work together during Geoff's time in Self-Reliance Services at the church. He and his wife came out and visited with us for about 30 minutes and told us about some of the unique challenges at the Ghana MTC, such as African missionaries not having adequate clothing, immunizations or health (some coming with malaria, scabies and lice.) But relative to missionaries from other countries, the African missionaries are more hard-working and committed, and have a better knowledge of the scriptures. I'm pretty sure this husband/wife team are two of the nicest people I have ever met. They exude love. It was a treat to talk about the MTC and how to prepare our girls for missions, but also to feel of their goodness.

We spent the afternoon at the Marriott pool where we also watched the World Cup.

And then another World Cup game at our go-to World Cup-watching restaurant.

Great day!

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