Monday, July 9, 2018

A Sunday Walk

Geoff and I were asked to teach the youth Sunday School class as we were dropping Adele and Ceci off at church yesterday. Our teaching style is a little different than these kids are used to!

We learned at the MTC that white-skinned sister missionaries are no longer sent to Africa for safety reasons (except for the island Reunion), but we met some adorable sisters from Nigeria. (Although, a friend's daughter was just sent to Mozambique, so maybe this Ghana MTC just doesn't see white sisters!)

Speaking of safety for white females, I haven't felt totally safe to go explore the streets. On the few short ventures out, I notice how men look Adele and Ceci up and down before I stare them in the eyes signaling to back off. Ghana is a safe country relative to neighboring countries, but I still feel uneasy. With Geoff and Michael in company, we decided to walk the 30 minutes home. Boy did we stand out!

I must admit that I thought Ghanaians would generally be much nicer than they are. We wave and say hello to everyone, even though they are often looking at us with distrust or dislike, it is hard to tell which one. Usually 2/3 wave back; 1/2 wave and smile as if they were waiting for us to make the first move.

We found this little posse of kids and had them sing Happy Birthday to Geoff's sister Brittany back home. Oh they were cute!

Although we made a few down this alley cry with our unfamiliar white skin!

Shops, churches and a few homes line the road, and then there are dirt paths and alleyways revealing makeshift homes teaming with life. Kids are out washing the clothes in basins, laundry lines are full of clothing, fires smolder with pots, neighbors visit, church-goers walk in their colorful Sunday best. We stopped in on a big church that was full to the brim to get a feel, then passed another church balancing on a wagon. It had everything one needs for a good Sunday service: chairs, a sound system and drums!

Here is a cute family on their way to church. This cute mom was so smiley and bright.

And then we had a restful Sabbath reading, napping and playing some Phase 10. It was a good day.

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