Monday, July 23, 2018

Cousin Camp - McCall, Idaho

Still feeling the effects of jet lag, we packed up the car, with cousin Bailey joining us, and headed north to McCall, Idaho. It was a relatively quick trip, and the only trip to McCall we were taking this year, so we really tried to soak it all in.

On the way to McCall, we spent the night in Meridian at Ingrid's home. First things first, we tie-dyed t-shirts. This is cousin camp tradition.

Always fun. Always a mess.

The next morning we went to the Boise temple. TK just turned 16, so he did the baptizing. That was super cool. And look at the yellow rose bushes growing outside! Their Mormor said to think of her every time we see a yellow rose, and we did.

That same Mormor created the idea of "Secret Surfboards" one family reunion, and these cousins wanted to draw names and buy little gifts for their "Secret Surfboard". We made a stop at the dollar store to load up on (mostly white elephant) gifts. No one did a very good job at being secret.

With bikes and teens loaded, we headed to McCall. The rest is in no particular order, just the overall happenings of cousin camp.

Every morning we had a short devotional. This year Tennie, Adele and TK each taught a standard from For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. They did a great job and we had great discussions. They also have a cousin song, Battle Hymn of the Republic. They always stand and march to the chorus and sing with gusto. I love it!

Tennie gave a tutorial on how to change bike tubes (as many were in need of repair).

We went to the farmer's market where these crazies danced to a guy playing the trumpet. They were offered money to come the following week and dance! It added a nice energy to the market, which is pretty small.

We went out for pizza and burgers and shave ice and Ice Cream Alley (Ice Cream Alley was every day).

The Ice Cream Alley line is always very long (like 45 minutes), but always very worth it.

(I think this picture is my favorite cousin camp photo ever.)

They ate ice cream at the lake at sunset and then swam.

We played at the lake every day.

Ingrid and I had hours of lake time to talk and catch up. What a treat!

Trent came up the last two days with the boat. And dog.

We stayed until it was dark. Then the kids like to ride in the boat on the way home while blasting our McCall song, Let's Get Rich, by Ingrid Michaelson. That is tradition.

Oh man do I love McCall. Every time I go I imagine up my dream home on the lake. Maybe some day. But for now, I'm so grateful that Trent and Ingrid generously invite us to stay at their place. It is sharing it with family that makes it so amazing.

Meanwhile, Geoff returned from Ghana and went straight to California for a few days of beach and waves. And while he is at it, he rented a convertible Audi. It is the next best thing to living there. 😊

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