Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Let Summer Begin!

My brother and his family are in Park City for the month of July. We have been able to see them a couple times since we've been home. And one of my favorite friends, Ashley, just moved to Park City. And it just so happens that my sister-in-law Joann and Ashley grew up in the same area in Texas, so they know each other too.

We all got together for a few hours at the pool and went to dinner. It was our first official fun summer outing, since Africa is hot but doesn't count as summer, and summer in New Zealand was really winter here, and friends and family and watermelon and popsicles and open days weren't part of the experience. So, let SUMMER begin!

We at at Vessel Kitchen. Yum! And our post-dinner photo shoot had one too many cameras, as is evident by the eyes! We love all of these people!

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