Wednesday, July 25, 2018


My sister-in-law Ingrid is really good at systems. I love going to her home in Meridian or McCall because everything is organized and in its place. Like any mom, she is working with less-than-willing kids, but her home is still beautifully smooth.

While there I took pictures of a few admirable things I observed. I love gathering effective ideas!

First is the back of the main bathroom door. She hangs quotes and scriptures in different colors and fonts. Some are new, and some have been there for awhile. They all have them memorized because what else are you going to do with those minutes you spend on the toilet each day?

Every summer she has a point system for routines the kids are to do each day, as well as extras they can do to receive points (productive things they can do with their time). Points in the past have been for outings and privileges; this year the points are for cash. I love her inspiring messages right there on the pantry door for everyone to see several times a day. (I love how some kids are inspired by points and/or cash and others aren't! A good thing to learn about your individual kids! I think age matters too.)

Her job chart includes school-day morning and after school routines.

Still hanging from last school year is each child's schedule. This is super helpful when scheduling appointments or helping them think through their day!

For years she has had a piece of paper hanging on the side of one of her cupboards where she quickly captures the funny things her kids say. It is so easy to think I'll remember later and then totally forget to write it down, or forget the quote altogether! What a treasure!

While in Africa I spent quite a bit of my down time thinking about things I want to change and improve in my mothering and household. We're kicking things off this Sunday. I'll share my strategies as I implement them!

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