Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Geoff's Birthday!

I have some serious catching up to do. I believe I left off at Geoff's birthday (which is really a birthday week, as he likes it). We woke up to wet carpet throughout our master bath, closet, and entrance area. Like, really wet. Turns out the toilet overflowed (clean water, thankfully) in the early morning. As a result our carpet was torn out, and we had three days of three large, dehydrating fans whirring loudly and completely drying us out! The good news is that our carpet really needs to be replaced. That not so good news is that our options for new flooring are limited and at the mercy of our apartment management, which is known to be on the very frugal side. We're still without carpet, but hopefully our new floor will be in within a week or so.

Back to Geoff's birthday. The day before his birthday, I told him I was getting him a Vespa as a gift, or rather, a go-ahead to buy a Vespa. He wanted one all summer, and I kept putting it off because of the expense. But after a little research on KSL post-summer, there were some very reasonable used Vespas for sale, and so I surprised Geoff with a green light to buy one. He spent the day test driving his top options, visiting the dealership to determine the best buy, and then settled on one up in Heber. Turns out, the guy selling it invented the first car stereo, as well as surround sound (later purchased by Dolby). On his birthday we went to get it and got a tour of this guys radio collection (really a legit museum), his vintage scooter collection, as well as his model airplane collection. This was an interesting man with a fascinating life!

Geoff spent his birthday afternoon in Provo at an appointment and hanging out with Tennie before making his way on side streets all the way back to Salt Lake. We jumped on some scooters and rode to Settebello for dinner (best GF pizza anywhere!) and then back home.

It was a good day celebrating a very good man.

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