Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Work Retreat

The day after Ceci's birthday, Geoff and I headed up to Park City early in the morning for a Cicero management retreat. This company Geoff has partnered with is seriously cool. Every person I met that weekend (and since) is super smart, down to earth and so much fun. The morning started off with some team competitions. Geoff's team captain provided a team uniform.

I only participated in a mini golf shoot-out and, despite not having picked up a club in who knows how long, I made it in two shots! A hard hole too! I was super glad to have made such a good impression on these new friends until I had to re-do with another guy. Then my real skills came out. He won.

Geoff spent the afternoon biking the hills of Park City, and I went on a hike and then enjoyed a massage. It was a welcome, calm afternoon.

That night we had a catered dinner at the Waldorf Astoria, poolside, and I felt like I was with old friends. It was a very fun retreat. We stayed the night, had a relaxing morning, and then Geoff and I rode the Park City lift up and hiked around in the Fall glory. My goodness, it was magnificent!

We headed home to make the Utah Symphony, Ode to Joy, that night. A birthday treat scheduled months ago for Geoff. It was incredible.

The girls had stayed at cousin Bailey's while we were in Park City, and Ceci fell asleep for the last part of the symphony (the best part) and slept right through the standing ovation! She missed out.

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