Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Mt. Timp Hike That Almost Was

Adele and I decided to hike the first three miles up Mt. Timp with Geoff and Ceci. Friday night we bought Ceci a pair of good hiking shoes and packed our packs with snacks and loads of water. None of us were excited for the 6:00 wake-up call, especially Adele and Ceci who look forward to sleeping in a bit on Saturdays. We were up and ready, though, until we realized the strong smell of smoke coming through an open window. The fires South of Provo, and a new one in Herriman, filled the air. It was undoubtedly unhealthy to do a 15-mile hike. What a disappointment! (Simultaneously we were grateful to not be evacuated like so many families! Our effects from this powerful and persistent fire pale considerably!)

So, after an hour of deliberating, we decided to use the day to attack some projects. The first was to move Ceci into Tennie's old room, which meant getting rid of a lot of old furniture and STUFF. Mid-afternoon I paused to take a few pictures of the house at that moment in time.

Given our waning energy and fading time, we wondered when we would get to hauling away all of this stuff. At least a few weeks. I suggested we call The Other Side Academy movers to come "move" it for us. It would cost us, but it might be worth it.

Do you know about The Other Side Academy? One of our friends started it here in Salt Lake, based on Delancey Street in San Francisco. This organization takes hard criminals and gives them a chance to change their lives. The methods are incredibly effective. As they immerse them in purpose and work and responsibility, they learn to live and function normally in society. Geoff spoke to the group a few years ago, and we've interacted with many of the "students" over the years. I'm inspired at what they overcome and the courage it takes to change.

One of their businesses (they are completely self-funded) is a very successful moving company (voted #1 in Salt Lake). But when we called we remembered they have another thrift store business, and upon inquiring, they pick up donations FOR FREE! And they could come in an hour! They showed up and moved all that clutter out in 20 minutes. No tips accepted (rules of the organization). Seriously, if you don't know about this place, or their businesses, take a look. It will make your day.

House is clean.

And oh, as we moved Tennie's bed out we found the Fiat key. Right there under the bed. Ten days ago we had to tow the Fiat to the dealership, but the tow truck couldn't fit down in our underground garage, so we, and a few guys from Geoff's team at work (bless their souls), and a guy painting something on our building, PUSHED the Fiat up and out of the building and onto the street. We paid $400 for two new keys. Now we have three. Funny in a not so funny way.

Our foiled day ended up productive. On to our Birthday Week!

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