Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Sunday a few of us Davises got together in Provo to carve pumpkins. Even Tennie was there! It was beautiful, warm Fall weather.

Some have some serious pumpkin skills.

Tennie, Ceci and Kate built some fairy houses while there. They have some serious fairy house-building skills! I mean, look at these details! This one is Ceci's.

And this one is Tennie's. (I think Kate was an assistant who searched for materials. I'd say she is really good too!)

And then we gathered for a pumpkin line-up.

Today is Halloween and both Adele and Ceci have plans with friends tonight. I captured a quick shot of Adele before she left the house. She makes an adorable bear!

Ceci was dressing up as a forest elf at school. Her 8th grade class is taking the entire school, a class at a time, through an enchanted forest, and Ceci and her cousin Bailey are the guides. I hope she gets a picture!

Geoff is in Paris, so I'm planning on a quiet night at home. Ceci was so concerned about my lack of plans, but I tried to convince her that my inner homebody is looking forward to it!

Happy Halloween!

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