Monday, October 29, 2018

Baby Reveal

I had never heard of a Baby Reveal party before, but Geoff's brother Christian and his wife Heather flew into town from California to have one. This is how it works: a designated person finds out the gender of the baby from the doctor (Brittany, in our case); everyone else, including parents, come to the party to find out. During the party, everyone pops a popper full of either blue or pink confetti, and the gender is then known.

Christian did a "touchdown" dive toward the waiting crowd, and when he landed, everyone was to let their poppers go. This is how it looked.

I love Christian and Heather's faces in this picture as they realize they are having a second boy. Both thought for sure it was a girl, so it was a definite surprise. Then there were blue smoke bombs.

Then there was blue chalk, which may have gotten messy.

Man these two are fun people and make a great parenting team. And they make a seriously cute boy.

Hooray for new babies!

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