Monday, October 22, 2018

San Francisco - Part 1

A week ago Saturday, Geoff and I took off to San Francisco, first for a weekend on our own, then a Young Global Leader (YGL) summit. We aren't so desperate for weekends away like we were when our kids were younger, but life is a different busy and demanding nowadays, so uninterrupted time is still a treat. We shopped around on Market Street, hung out at the chilly Ocean Beach (savoring the sounds and smells of the sea) and ate an amazingly yummy dinner at the Cliff House, with sweeping views of the cliffs and waves and endless blue.

Sunday we went to church and then walked a longer way back to the hotel to pass a few of San Francisco's many beautiful churches. First was First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Then Grace Cathedral, where we heard the rehearsal for the Evensong happening later in the afternoon. Beautiful. And might I add that the weather during our entire stay was perfect! Sunny and warmish. I was pretty much freezing the whole time, but for San Francisco we couldn't have hoped for better.

We stayed in a Marriott near Union Square and this was our welcome each morning.

We had two full days of YGL sessions, often separating from each other due to our own personal interests. Most sessions were around the theme of AI developments and impact. My mind was often blown away with what is happening! There sure are some amazingly smart and innovative people out there!

The best part is meeting so many interesting people from around the world, all doing a little something to create a big impact.

One evening we had a dinner at the gorgeous City Hall.

Ceci and Adele flew in on Wednesday. After picking them up at the airport, we hit Market Street to do some shopping, and we shopped until we nearly dropped. Seriously. Ceci is at that in between stage of clothing. She doesn't want to wear rainbows and ice cream cones, but doesn't fit into the adult clothing. We've spent more hours shopping this Fall then ever in the history of clothes shopping, with very little yield. This day wasn't super fruitful, either, but we had fun, despite our tired feet.

Thursday, while Geoff continued on at the YGL summit, Adele, Ceci and I ventured out to explore the city. We have been to San Francisco several times during the Christmas season, and a couple times for a day while living in Auburn, but those times were at least six years ago. We visited some places we had been before, as well as some new.

First was a walk to and through Chinatown.

We stopped in shops we remembered.

We made our way through the Italian part of town, smelling yummy scents wafting from cafés. We passed a few more beautiful churches along the way.

We explored Pier 39 with its loud seals, magic show and shops. We made our way through Fisherman's Wharf and on to a little beach where we stopped for a rest.

Ceci got a sundae at Ghirardelli Square, and we admired the big collection of pumpkins around the fountain and shops. I want to recreate that at home! So fun!

As if our little Chevro"legs" (as Geoff likes to call them) weren't tired enough, we hiked up to the top of Lombard Street, then to the bottom. And THEN we called an Uber.

At the close of the YGL summit, a local YGL hosted a party at his home. We took Adele and Ceci, who impressively held their own in conversation, and said goodbye to our great friends until next time.

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