Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Fall in Park City

After being in the wide open spaces at the top of Park City, in the fresh air, with vibrant Fall colors, we decided to take the girls the next day (Sunday), including Tennie. We "swung by" and picked her up in the morning, we hit a sacrament meeting in Park City, and then we rode the lift to the same spot and walked the same trail. Living downtown, we really appreciate being in nature. It completely fills us up.

I had pre-made tinfoil lunches, so we found a beautiful little spot and had a picnic. The wasps wanted us to share, so we had to eat super fast, while moving.

It was Fall perfection.

We headed for the Alpine Loop and met up with Geoff's siblings and families for our annual birthday picnic. Wow was that drive amazing! It threatened rain, and we got some sprinkles, and then it cleared up and we had a great time.

I love this next picture. Everything about it makes me happy. Davey running with a kid on his shoulders who is using his hair as handlebars; Geoff being a playful and deliberate uncle; and Kate's joyful face.

Tennie, Adele and Ceci took a series of silly pictures, but this one with Geoff photo bombing was my favorite.

We all brought our own dinner, shared some delicious pumpkin muffins and said all of the things we love about Geoff and Ceci (which could have gone on for a very long time).

What a great family we have! It was a great way to wrap up our birthday week.

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