Sunday, October 28, 2018

New Floors

Remember how our toilet overflowed on Geoff's birthday? This past week we finally had our floors replaced. We basically had to move everything in the bedrooms out to the living area, then the next day move everything in the living area back to the bedrooms. This is the morning they were to arrive (and then they called and postponed a day).

Soon every space was filled with furniture and more random STUFF. After the first half was done, the carpet guys moved everything from one side of the house to the other, which was very nice, but it did make for a less organized arrangement. It was like we moved out and moved back in with no boxes. And while everything was away from walls and off shelves and out of closets, I took the opportunity to clean baseboards and dust hidden places and wipe down walls. And then while putting everything away, it made sense to declutter another layer. So while it was a load of work (all while Geoff was back in San Francisco for a conference), it feels nice to have new floors and a more deeply cleaned house. I must admit, I am utterly exhausted. And grateful.

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