Friday, October 5, 2018

September Wrap-Up

I'll be honest, September was a difficult month. We had an unusual amount of hard and annoying things happen, I felt like I was never home long enough to get my life in order, and I spent the month feeling overwhelmed and a bit discouraged that my much anticipated time to myself was just not happening. All of my awesome charts and systems to whip us all into shape? Pretty much petered out (for now). Not one of our shining moments/seasons in time.

In between the hard and annoying Tennie started classes at BYU! She loves her classes and her mind is being expanded. She is managing her workload amazingly well. She is feeling homesick for good friends and family and familiarity, which is to be expected. We've seen her a lot. Geoff has had some appointments in Provo, and when there he takes her to lunch. We've been there a few times, she's been here a few times, and we're grateful she is close so we can see her often.

She and a friend went camping.

Her friend Lindsay is a great photographer, and I'm always grateful when she shares her pictures!

She went to her first BYU football game as a student! Rise and Shout!

Geoff and Adele got tickets to TEDX Salt Lake and left after three speakers, the last two being evidence that our culture is going downhill! The topics and speakers were so disappointing. Blurry selfie, but a good-intentioned dad and daughter day out.

One of the most dominating things of the month was Adele getting her driver's license. She did the whole thing through a private outfit. The class was online, which was very helpful. She did a LOT of driving to get her 40+ hours in, had 12 hours of driving with an instructor (which was maddeningly difficult to schedule, so there were delays), took some tests on-site AND online, plus two trips to the DMV, and finally she is official, as of October 1st!!!

This is exciting for Adele. She doesn't even realize yet how big of a deal it is to her freedom, but I'm pretty sure my excitement exceeded all motherly excitement! I feel a freedom I cannot express. Oh be joyful, Adele can drive! Next task is to learn a stick shift so she can drive the Fiat.

This past Sunday we got up into the canyon again.

September was hot with smokey skies. It had a lion's share of NOT FUN. And yet it was full of good family and friends, celebration, and big milestones. We live a good life.

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