Monday, June 25, 2018

Tagging Along on Business

Geoff is learning how business works here by visiting and meeting with lots of small businesses. One day we tagged along to a water factory and small clinic.

This particular water factory sells 2 million bags of 30 sachets each every month. The sachet makes the water less expensive than a bottle of water, and is biodegradable. In addition, it is pure spring water, filtered three times just to make sure it is free from contaminants.

Women take their babies to work until they can walk, then they go into school. During a meeting, Adele, Ceci and I got to watch this little guy. No complaints!

Here are the women who bag the water. They work 8-hour days and make under $100 per month, which is good pay here.

The filtering area.

Loading the delivery trucks.

The delivery drivers account for what they've sold (stealing water is the main issue of the business.)

Next we went to a local clinic. We stopped to talk to a group of passing girls.

This clinic made me want to pray extra hard that we won't need medical attention while here! A valiant doctor uses his own money to fund this clinic, and I admire the good they do, but still. Here these people are cutting and rolling up gauze on these desks. Not sanitary!

Surgery anyone?

I was told it was nicer than most clinics, and the patients seemed well cared for. The generous doctor was an inspiring man.

Mangoes here are SO good!

In Ghana there is no need for a Walmart, because anything you could want comes to you at stop lights.

Everything from toilet paper and windshield wipers, to lint rollers and milk! Plus more!

The people who walk between cars don't stop to beg. You want it or you don't, and they don't waste time with those that don't. I appreciate that. These vendors are at the bottom of the job market. They come to the city looking for work. They buy what they can at the market and resell it car to car. People buy stuff, which is great! Again, how do they balance this stuff!

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