Friday, June 29, 2018

Grade 1 Success & USAid

We had our second day at the school, this time teaching two grade 1 classes. This was a much better experience! (Although we sure loved those two-year-olds, too!)

We had roughly an hour in each class. Both classes had about 35 students each, ages 6-7. We warmed up with Simon Says (a new game to them). Next, we had a relay game where we divided the class into four teams. On the board were four columns (one for each team) and we had a topic for each column, such as Body Parts, Clothing, Animals, and Fruits & Vegetables. The team had to write a word related to their topic, one team member at a time, coming up with as many words as they could in three minutes. If a word was repeated or misspelled, it was crossed out. We played the game twice and they got really into it. We were surprised how well they could spell! These kids are smart! Lastly, we played good ol' hangman (another new game for them). They loved it. The hours flew by.

As we were leaving the school we poked our heads in the creche class to wave hello. Those kids (And teachers too!) began to wave and jump and yell! They were SO excited to see us. That was full payment for those grueling three hours the other day!

We left early so Adele could join Geoff for a meeting at the US Embassy with USAid. She loved going through the embassy and learning about foreign service! It was interesting to hear about USAid's projects in Ghana. No pictures near the embassy allowed, so no pictures taken.

We went to dinner at a very modern, delicious restaurant. Its environs, the people and food were in total juxtaposition to anything Adele, Ceci and I had experienced! The Marriott was close, but it is for foreign visitors, and Pinkberry is a familiar american chain, but THIS was stylish and hip, and it gave us a different glimpse into another layer of Accra.

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