Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Adele to Ourselves

While Tennie is off on a 9-day biking trip, and Ceci was at a 4-day 7th grade camping trip, Geoff and I had Adele all to ourselves. Normal schooling, driver's ed and work went on as usual, but we tried to take advantage of the time with her. We went out to Thai and Indian food.

Adele and I worked on several projects, like typing up favorite family recipes for her own cookbook and digitizing some of Babs' photos in preparation for her life-story book. Adele decided she wanted to learn to weave, so for starters we spent several hours stick loom weaving, which turned out to be pretty fun.

The three of us also decided that we would tag along with Geoff on a business trip to Ghana this summer. He'll be gone for a little over a month, while we'll be there three weeks. It was a decision made in a day, and we leave in two weeks! Adele loved picking up Ceci and telling her the news, and Tennie gets home tomorrow, so we'll find out if she wants to join us!

To know and be around Adele is to love her. She is an amazing human.

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