Sunday, June 17, 2018

Girl's Camp at Six Lakes

Adele and Ceci had Girl's Camp this week at Six Lakes. It was a mismatched group of young women. Many of the regulars couldn't make it, and there were many new and less active girls that went, as well as a sister of a new convert who isn't a member of the church. The girls were a little nervous with the group make-up, but they came back saying it was their favorite Girl's Camp yet.

It was HOT. Many planned activities were cancelled to make room for more water time. Every day they played in the water: tubing, canoeing, paddle boarding and swimming.

They went on a hike and rappelled, a first for many of the young women. We have two new girls from the Philippines and a girl from Ghana in our ward. It was their first time camping too!

Adele was a YCL (Youth Camp Leader) this year and helped with a lot of the planning. As a YCL she was a tent leader. Ceci reported that Adele was always looking out for her tent mates, making sure they were included. They woke her up at night when they had to make the trek to the bathrooms. One threw up after swallowing too much lake water and Adele sat outside the bathroom with her. (For anyone who knows Adele's adverse feelings towards vomiting, this was a big sacrifice!) Adele is a natural at ministering. It was great to hear about it in action.

One of the young women, Kate Baron, took all but one of these photos. She captured some great personality shots of Ceci.

They came home completely wiped out, but full of light and happiness.

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