Sunday, June 17, 2018

June Birthdays!

We celebrate a lot of birthdays in June in Geoff's family. The first celebration was for Erica, and she kept it simple by declaring a picnic in the canyon.

We started with a very non-competitive game of whiffle ball, the kind of game where there are no teams, no strikes or outs, and the kids always make it to a base and or score. This picture gives a good sense of the game.

My mom even showed her fine form with a solid hit and run around the bases. I have to include this blurry picture just to prove it!

Em made a delicious cake.

The kids put on a theatrical dance performance for our pleasure.

Britt and Hunter's new dog, Finn, got a little training lesson from Geoff. He is so scrumptiously soft and cuddly!

Over Tennie's graduation weekend we had a late celebration for Nikki, since she was out of town on her actual birthday. All family in town gathered for cake in her small condo, and a few helped plant her patio pots all afternoon/evening.

And yesterday we celebrated Emma and Hannah's 2nd birthday at Wheeler Farm. It was a party of farm animals, train rides, face painting and yummy, healthy cake. Just take in the cuteness!

Little kid birthdays are the best.

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