Tuesday, June 19, 2018

June Wrap Up

I know June isn't over, yet, but by the time you read this we'll be arriving in Ghana, and our regular June life will be over.

Ceci was invited to join her old (and next year's) Waldorf class on the 7th grade campout, four days of games, hikes, practical jokes, campfires, s'mores and good friends. She came back caked in dirt and smiling from ear to ear. It took her hours to tell us all of the details. So far I don't have a single picture.

Tennie finished up her high school career with an "Advanced Bike Tour" for her final intensive. This Advanced Bike Tour was serious business. A group of 10 students and 3 adults packed everything they would need on their bikes (about 100 pounds of food and supplies each) and biked from Ogden to the Grand Tetons in seven days. That is over 300 miles. Often uphill. Sleeping under the stars. She came back feeling strong and ALIVE.

My mom was in town for all of the graduation hoopla and was a huge help getting all of the errands and preparation completed. She was a good sport running here and there during a busy week. Hopefully her next visit will be more relaxing!

During that same weekend Geoff's sister, Ingrid, and family came to town. The older cousins spent every minute possible together. They spent their time at our house playing Cops and Robbers, board games, swimming and who knows what! I love how this little band loves each other.

The youth had an Iron Chef competition and the girl's team prepped at our house. Legit sushi rolls including bacon, mac and cheese and corn chips.

Bailey was over one day and the girls went plant crazy.

Geoff has been taking the girls out on several one-on-one outings. He and Ceci took this awesome picture while at a movie.

One weekend evening we came across Grassroots Shakespeare, a group of actors who set up their little traveling stage in various parks around Utah over the summer. We stopped and watched the surprisingly delightful, Midsummer Night's Dream.

We met up with the Shumways and Looslis for a BBQ. Saren, Saydi and I snuck away for a quick hike up beautiful Millcreek Canyon.

Nikki had a pre-opening to a restaurant she is starting called Zulu Grill. For each meal purchased, a child gets a meal in Africa. The food is GOOD. She was hosting some private events and we went to help out since she hasn't hired employees, yet. It was super fun. It opens in August. Good stuff.

We celebrated Geoff on Father's Day with letters, poems, gifts and a skit highlighting some of his funny quirks. What an enormously loved dad!

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