Friday, June 22, 2018


We've arrived in Ghana! Already there is so much to write about, but I'll start with getting here.

Tennie was back and forth about coming with us. We purchased her a ticket and got her a visa, and we figured out how she could get her shots in Ghana (a little sketchy, but time was out), and the poor thing went back and forth about going. She wants to enjoy experiences with her friends, and she was afraid she would be bored, but she also has always wanted to come to Africa. In the end, ONE HOUR before we left for the airport, she decided to stay. So that added a little drama to our departure! We'll miss her here, but we're glad she feels good about her decision to stay.

We had a six-hour layover in Amsterdam and after storing our luggage, we took a train to the city.

Tennie and like to tease Geoff about how often he has to get "situated" with his luggage, or in leaving for the day when we travel, which usually takes quite awhile. I captured this quick photo of Geoff getting situated, just for Tennie.

We had a one-hour speed walking tour along several canal streets, just enough to determine we want to go back and live there! Geoff has been telling us about Amsterdam for years. It is his favorite city in the world. It was nice to get a glimpse. It really is charming.

The bike path networks are as common as streets. Loads of bikes!

Long ago, people in Amsterdam paid taxes on how many feet wide their home was, so homes were skinny and tall!

Finally we made our way to Accra, very tired from a long day of travel. We arrived at our Guest House, which is clean and comfortable. Here is one of our two rooms.

Breakfast and dinner is provided for us every day! We slept very well that first night!

Hello Africa!

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