Friday, June 22, 2018

Getting Aquainted

Geoff is here to work, and we're pretty much tagging along and creating what we want to do here. On our first day, we met some of Geoff's contacts here and already have a pretty good plan in place.

We slept in and were pretty slow moving that first morning. Some people staying in the same guest house are putting on an American football camp with a Ghanaian football player. Their operation took over the lobby that first morning. We all eat together and share the same common space. We've loved getting to know them. Look at all the luggage they checked!

We traveled to the outskirts of town to visit one of Geoff's Ghanaian business partners and his wife. Lesson one: it takes forever to get anywhere.

Ghana is a Christian country, with faithful business owners declaring their devotion with places like these.

These declarations are in business names, on the back of cars and the sides of houses. The cars have pastors, Southern Baptist-style, blaring sermons on the radio.

Geoff's business partner and his wife just adopted four-month-old twins, and you better believe there wasn't any complaining from Adele and Ceci about holding those little cuties! This is when the first pleas to adopt an African baby began.

His wife runs a school next door to the home. We will be teaching English there every Tuesday and Thursday that we are here, starting next week. This will be challenging and fun!

We went to meet a couple who own some businesses that Geoff and team are looking at. After getting to know them a bit, we had someone take a picture, which few of us were ready for...

Our plans are unfolding!

1 comment:

  1. Tag and Dooz would like to put in a request for a little baby sister if you can find us one :)
