Friday, June 1, 2018

May Wrap Up

Wow, May was a busy month that flew right by! If someone were to ask me why it was so busy I couldn't give a specific answer, but it might include loads of random appointments, finishing up Tennie's quilt, several opportunities to serve others (which I'm trying to seek more of), family outings, field trips, doctor appointments, birthday parties, graduation hoopla, doing a major storage unit clean-out, schooling at home, in addition to cooking, cleaning, laundry, shopping, etc. Life is just full of STUFF to do! Overall, though, life is busy but not stressful, and I'm grateful for that.

One sunny Sunday we created some Whatcha Got Tinfoil dinners in the oven, took them to the park for a picnic and some frisbee.

Mila got her stitches out.

Adele, Ceci and I spent an afternoon in The Leonardo museum.

I came home from somewhere one day to find these two painting. Seriously, painting instead of Instagram? A mother's dream.

Another afternoon at home they carved soap.

Ceci documented the realization that when she goes cross-eyed only one eye goes in.

A youth activity involving ice cream turned into a stack-ice cream-on-Ceci's-head activity. I saw a video of the piling of scoops on her head. I think the record was four. Brrr and gross.

We got to watch our friend's girls for awhile one day. Having young children energy in the house was so fun!

A full but simple month.

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