Monday, November 20, 2017

Paris - Day 1

(I am writing about this trip ex post facto, but publishing them on the actual date we were there.)

We arrived in Paris mid-day and made our way to our Airbnb to drop off our luggage. By the time we got settled it was getting dark and we were in jet-lagged, but WE WERE IN PARIS, so we set out for a little teaser of the week ahead.

First of all, meet our Paris tour guide:

Tennie spent three weeks in Paris two summers ago at age 15. She was in bed with chicken pox for one of those weeks, and the other two weeks she had a part-time internship at a microcredit organization. Somehow that girl got to know Paris and its Metro like the back of her hand. We marveled at her knowledge of this great city. Amazing. She led us everywhere all week.


Paris surprised us with loads of healthy food restaurants and cafés, which is good given all of our food needs. Finding a place that can feed all of us at once takes a significant amount of time when we travel, despite my best efforts to research options beforehand. Our first night we found a little cafe that had a foosball table, which led to some serious competitions!

 We wandered the streets passing Pompidou...

And we admired the Hotel de Ville at night.

What our pictures don't show is the soldiers holding machine guns at every turn. Poor Paris really has been terrorized.

Geoff loaded us up with sleeping herbs and we slept a long night.

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