Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Paris - Day 2

Our Airbnb was in a great neighborhood off of Rue Montorgueil. It was loaded with delicious restaurants, to-die-for patisseries, and fun shops.  It was perfectly adequate for the five of us, except for the elevator. It had enough for two (or all of our luggage).

Our first stop of the day was Saint Chapelle. Even the walking everywhere is full of beautiful architecture, bridges and historical significance.

Geoff has been telling us about Saint Chapelle for years, but on previous visits the lines were too long. It was a cloudy day, so we didn't see the sun coming through the magnificent stain glass, but we still got our fill of splendor!

We all had a book and a sketch book at all times, as some of us (ahem, Geoff) like to really absorb a place. Those pastimes saved us at different times during our travels! It also allowed us to sketch some beautiful views.

We walked through the adorable garden stores on the way to Notre Dame...

And a few of us got some street crepes.

The Notre Dame lines were non-existent as well. As a matter of fact, there were no lines anywhere we went. November travel to Paris requires coats, but the crowd-less sites are worth it!

We walked around the back side of the cathedral, which is my favorite view.

Walking, walking, so much walking...

A quick stop for a self-proclaimed-best-eclair. Not true. (But to tell the truth, I've never met an eclair I didn't like.)

Tennie told us a stop at Shakespeare and Co. was a must. She was right. This English bookstore is a gem!

A French drinking fountain...

More sleeping herbs...

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