Thursday, November 23, 2017

Paris - Day 4

This was Thanksgiving Day in the United States, and we couldn't think of a better way to spend a day of gratitude than a day in the Louvre. But first...

Geoff and Adele, who are gluten free and dairy free, insisted we scout out a popular gluten free bakery. They were tired of seeing the rest of us indulge in yumminess after yumminess. It was a little bit of a hike, but Chambelland had delicious bread and healthy sandwiches.

We also discovered a gluten-free waffle place called Yummy and Guilt Free that we trekked to a few times. These were amazing! So they had their occasional treat. (Here we are getting waffles on a different day.)

Something about the exterior of the Louvre moves me. This is my favorite architecture in Paris.

We stayed together for parts of the inside and split up for others. So much beauty to take in.

My favorite piece is the Winged Victory Sarothrace. I love her strength and determination standing at the front of a ship. Wind is blowing (and waves are crashing) as she leads this large vessel forward. Sometimes I feel like this as a mother as I attempt to lead children through the winds and waves of life, the confusing ideas and philosophies that exist in our day, the moral decay in our society and the culture that ofttimes tries to diminish the power we have within us. Life is wonderful and good, and it is sometimes hard and confusing. This winged victory is a reminder that as mothers we have great power to create a positive reality for our children, and we can guide them to safe harbors.

As we made our way toward home we stumbled across the most unique nature store. It gets animals from zoos that have died naturally or due to sickness and turns them into a collectible.  We tried to get pictures of the variety of the once-living things in this store, but it turned out to be difficult. Here is a little sample. What a delightful surprise!

We celebrated Thanksgiving dinner at a nice restaurant in our neighborhood. It was cozy, but not turkey, mashed potatoes and all the Thanksgiving yumminess. We found out later that there is an American restaurant in Paris that served a full Thanksgiving meal. Rats. Luckily we were in the best company possible.

Near our Airbnb is a patisserie that has been around since Louis XIV. When his bride came to Paris, she brought her baker, and this was the location of his shop and has existed since. They have won real awards for their eclairs, and I must say I give them a very serious thumbs up! I had my fair share.

One word for the day: gratitude.

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