Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jerusalem (Half Day) - Day 1

After camel rides we drove to Jerusalem and dropped our bags off at our Airbnb located outside Jaffa Gate and headed in to the Old City to do first things first: shop at the markets. Adele, in particular, loves to shop, looking for little treasures for herself and others. She plans to collect things during our travels to sell at the Avenues Street Fair in Salt Lake City, farmer's markets, or other such places.  We had hoped to spend only one afternoon shopping, but turns out we went back to those crowded, and sometimes overwhelming, shops several times during our time in Jerusalem!

After a few hours of browsing, bartering and buying, we met a man who felt an immediate desire to take us to a special place and led us south on Cardo to a little set of stairs leading to a rooftop. The views were beautiful, and he took our picture. After ten minutes or so, he promptly led us to his brother's shop near the bottom of the stairs. Nice marketing. Those shopkeepers watch out for each other, I tell you!

On our way out he pointed out an old Roman arch still standing in a little restaurant. Given Jerusalem's many destructions, we gave it due respect.

We slept well that night!

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