Wednesday, February 6, 2019

January Wrap-Up

January was a quiet month overall. Adele had her birthday, and we had appointments and small commitments sprinkled here and there, but for the most part it was blessedly uneventful.

Tennie came home every weekend for one reason or another. One of those weekends, Adele's longest-time friend, Nina, was with us. We had a big snow storm and there was big fort building.

Notice Nina holding a restaurant mint. I'm pretty sure they ate a couple bags of those, burning their tongues raw. They had even gone through the drive-through at Cafe Rio asking only for a bag of mints, which they got! (For free!)

This last weekend Tennie and a friend came for the Sundance Film Festival. I didn't get any pictures of them, but Geoff, Adele and Ceci went to the showing of a movie in Park City, which had a little more fanfare as well as famous people. They met Seane Corn, a well-known yoga instructor, who talked to them for about 10 minutes. I do some of her yoga videos at home, and I like her even more now that I hear about her niceness.

They also met Miss Sundance. The Sundance Festival has a Miss Sundance? Who knew? She was really a cool, genuine person though.

Geoff and Ceci spent five days at the same home Adele, her friends and I went to for her birthday. They skied and watched movies and played games and read books and hung out, just the two of them.

Ceci, Adele and Geoff have been getting some treatments, including massages, for tight neck and back muscles caused by their car crash a month ago. Luckily it is nothing serious, just bad enough to qualify for some massages!

I wrapped up the month snowshoeing in Park City with two great friends from our Redmond, Washington days, Ashely (Nina's mom) and Heidi. So beautiful and such great company!

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