Friday, February 15, 2019

New York

Geoff had some meetings this week in New York, and last week on the way home from Idaho he and Tennie decided to make it a Daddy/Daughter trip. They took off last Friday and Tennie came home Tuesday. They packed in lots of good times.

It was beautiful and sunny and cold. They hit the Waldorf in honor of Eloise.

Over the days they walked a hundred miles around the city, exploring neighborhoods and cafes and the nooks and crannies of Manhattan.


They took a ferry around the Statue of Liberty and explored the immigration museum on Ellis Island.

They sampled The Met, which is all you can really do unless you have a week!

They sent a text while there, pictures of them in front of many of the great European artists. In response to the Van Gogh photos I mentioned wishing I could see Geoff looking at those, and how I could imagine him soaking up the paintings (he LOVES Van Gogh). Tennie immediately sent this picture. I love Geoff's love of things, and I love that Tennie captured it.


And I love Tennie's love of diverse things, big things, messy things, loud things and expansive things. While she would be equally as at home in the Amazon or the wild wilderness or a village in Africa, New York is a good fit too! She loved everything about it, again.

They hit Cafe Lalo, a place Geoff and I went when dating.

And they saw The Lion King.

And they went to night Jazz clubs and found a favorite little underground venue that they can't wait to show us.

They split ways and Tennie made her way to the airport for home and Geoff stayed for meetings, a short trip to D.C. and got home last night.

New York never disappoints.

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