Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day

Last year as we traveled from Thailand to New Zealand we flew right past February 14th. Yep, skipped the whole day. So this year we wanted to make this day of LOVE count.

Lately we've had a lion's share of contention around here. With Valentine's Day coming up, Geoff and I determined we needed to change the dynamic and reconnect and remember how much we like each other! We used to have little mailboxes near our bedrooms, and we would leave nice notes the weeks leading up to Valentine's Day, but the last few years that tradition sort of fell by the wayside. Besides, Geoff and Tennie were going to be in New York (more on that later) the week before, so leaving notes didn't involve all of us. Geoff had the idea of sending a text everyday, a text to each person saying something you loved about them. So starting last Thursday we starting sending love texts. Here is a sample of a few of them from this past week:




And of course the contention faded out as the love poured in. Ceci exclaimed in a text that she didn't want it to end, that she looked forward to turning her phone on to see what nice things others had written! This may be the beginning of a new tradition as we all spread out in different directions.

Our plants have all been looking a little sorry too. Maybe they were absorbing all of the negative energy around here. So a couple weeks ago I put the word LOVE on every plant in the house, just to see what would happen. (Based on the water experiment by Masaru Emoto where the word LOVE was taped to some water, which in turn created beautiful patterns in the water.) One of Adele's succulents finally bloomed some flowers! And the others seem to be doing well too! Even the word LOVE has positive effects!

This morning Ceci said she wanted to stay home to celebrate Valentine's Day. She remembered as a child (during our homeschooling years) having tea parties and reading and writing poetry on Valentine's Day. I completely forgot that tradition! Maybe we'll weave that in next year.

The girls all got a couple Valentine's surprises with their German pancake with berries and cream breakfast.

And Geoff sent pink roses from the road for all of us girls. 

It was a perfect, abundant holiday of LOVE around here.

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