Thursday, February 7, 2019

Lucie's Baptism

This past weekend we took a road trip to Meridian, Idaho for our niece and cousin Lucie's baptism. Bits of families also made the trip, caravaning and switching up cars to make the five-hour drive go more quickly. Geoff and I stayed at a nearby hotel, while the girls, who in their youth can thrive with a night sleep on the floor, slept at Geoff's sister Ingrid's home with cousins. As is typical when we gather with Geoff's family, we didn't see the girls much!

Lucie is a very unique little human. She is 100% her own person; dancing to the strong beat of her own fantastical music. She is quirky and full of surprises, like doing a little dab in her baptism pictures. (And on Sunday at the pulpit when the bishop called her up.)

Her brother TK baptized her and it was lovely all around. There was so much love in that room, Geoff's mom present from the other side. It was beautiful.

After the baptism there may have been a little bit of rough-housing between Geoff and Tate...

Before the baptism we had a big celebratory lunch. I loved how the younger cousins carefully approached the chairs at the table where the big kids were sitting, hoping they wouldn't be turned away. They weren't. The older cousins are so good to their small admirers.

From the baptism we zoomed to Taeya's dance competition. Wow those are long! But we saw her perform twice, which was a treat. She is very talented. While waiting we hung out in the venue's hall.

In her final dance she was dressed as an old man. It was so fun.

After the quick,family and spirit-filled weekend we made the trip back home wishing it could have stretched on for a few more days.

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