Friday, December 14, 2018

Scrooge - 8th Grade

Last night Ceci's 8th grade class put on A Christmas Carol, and Ceci played Scrooge. The script was short, and the kid's nervousness sped up the lines, so the play was a total of 40 minutes, but it was a fantastic rendition of a great Christmas story. Ceci was a great Scrooge. I put my phone away before Scrooge's transformation, and I wish I had a couple pictures of Scrooge as a jolly old man. Giving Bob Cratchet a raise was my favorite scene.

Bailey was in the play too, of course, because she and Ceci are in the same class, so her family was there, and Nikki came too. And Tennie took the train from BYU to be there.

I love school plays. I love the story of A Christmas Carol. I love supportive family. And I love Ceci who played Mr. Scrooge.

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