Monday, December 17, 2018

Davis Family Christmas Party

On Saturday, Geoff's family gathered for a Christmas party. It was at Em's, as usual, and she has her mother's gift for creating a magical environment! Her home was so merry and bright! All pictures are from Britt, as I left my camera at home!

We made gingerbread houses.

We decorated boxes for the Food Bank (they give out meals in them) and then had an art work show-and-tell.

Santa came and passed out small gifts for the kids. (It was Erica, and she made a delightful Santa!)

We choose names every year, so whoever had a present from someone there opened it. I made a book for Davey (more on it later), and he read it to everyone.

We sang carols around the Christmas tree, holding hands in a large circle, a Davis family tradition. It was so fun being together.

Then we did the hard emotional work of dividing up Geoff's mom's Christmas decorations. These symbolize the magical Christmases Mesha hosted and a host of happy childhood memories. All of us have a little piece of her in our homes now, which is very special.

Merry Christmas to all!

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