Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Greece - Part 2

November isn't the best time to visit a Greek Island, but we were too close not to see one, so Santorini was our pick. It was cold and often raining, and most of the restaurants and shops were closed for the season. I should have trained before going because there is a LOT of climbing that goes on there. And it was still magical.

Adele and I flew into the small Santorini airport, got in the taxi our Airbnb host sent for us, and were met at the edge of Oia by a strong local who grabbed our carry-ons and took off. We could barely keep up and tried to take in the view of the dark Crete Sea and the white-washed dwellings that were beyond adorable, all while almost running up and down the narrow pathways that go this way and that in no organized manner to our Airbnb.

For reals. I attempted a panoramic to capture it.

We were really only there one full day, which was enough because there wasn't a lot of swimming or lounging poolside going on. Boat trips weren't going out due to the weather, and shopping was minimal.  Sami and Adele disappeared for a good while for a photo shoot, and Colete and I explored around. 

It is hard to capture the charm of this place, but here are a few feeble attempts. Again, any really good ones of the town (or of Adele) are from Sami. They had a fun time doing the photo shoot.

There were lots of cats in Oia too, only the tourists feed them, and there aren't many tourists this time of year. They followed us, hung around our Airbnb and even let themselves in to solicit our compassion.

These donkeys are how things come in and go out from Oia, even cement for the buildings. They looked like they work hard.

Colete and I ventured out on the hike to Fira, a trail along the ridge of the island through several towns. As we were leaving town a dog started to join us. He was friendly enough so we didn't think much about it. After about 10 minutes we realized we had maybe missed the trailhead. We backtracked and finally found the right place to get on the trail. As we climbed up the hill to get on the trail, who should be waiting for us but that dog! She led the way from then on. We didn't make it the whole way because we got a late start and it was getting dark, but when I looked at my phone that night it said I had walked 6.7 miles and climbed 127 flights of stairs. One day on Santorini!

We're so glad we went, off-season conditions and all. What a uniquely charming place!

NOTE: a delicious restaurant in Oia is Roka. Oh yum.

We had a travel day and stayed the night near the airport in Athens, then had a long flight with two very long layovers to get home. Oh how I love home.

Another amazing shared memory for the books.

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