Friday, December 7, 2018

November Wrap-Up

I kicked off November going to St. George to watch my two nephews while my sister-in-law ran the NYC Marathon and my brother joined my other brother in Denver for a Bronco game. Tag and "Dooz" are easy and fun. My mom hung out with us a lot too. And it was sunny and warm. I love St. George. Here are those cute boys cheering for their mom when she crossed the finish line (we tracked her via an app).

Tennie came home to drop her ballot off. It was her first time to VOTE! She cares about issues, so this was a big and exciting event!

While Adele and I were in Greece, Ceci broke her thumb playing basketball with Geoff.

A few days later Geoff, Ceci and Tennie went to Moab where Ceci rock climbed and mountain biked on Slick Rock without a thumb! Not mom approved.

The day after we returned from Greece my mom arrived for Thanksgiving. We spent the vacation Christmas shopping and wrapping, putting together puzzles, going to movies, going on walks and eating a delicious feast. It was a celebration of GRATITUDE for the abundance and goodness in our lives. Adele had bought a fun game at her favorite store in Greece to play after our Thanksgiving dinner.

It is hard to be good at that game!

Tennie got her braces off after three long years. No pictures, though.

Geoff and I celebrated our TWENTIETH wedding anniversary! We're scheming up an adventure to celebrate it, but want warmer months. Stay tuned. On our anniversary we went to the Christkindlmarkt at This is the Place Heritage Park. It is the closest thing to a European Christmas market around!

And aside from that we had a lot of random things fixed in our apartment, so people were coming and going for a few weeks, I worked on some Christmas surprises and preparations, getting mostly ready for the holiday season, and enjoyed the transition from Fall to Winter. It was a good month, a busy month, and it passed by in a wink.

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