Friday, December 21, 2018

Santa is Real

I loved the years my kids believed full-heartedly in Santa (and that lasted a long time!) The idea that there is someone who brings you gifts for all of your efforts to be good, and who is magical and immortal and a giver of joy is so splendidly magical in and of itself. And then we grow up and become too good for such silly notions, and shrink the miracle of Christmas down to a finite, disappointing reality. It is just mom and dad. But it isn't true. Santa is real.

Christ, who IS Christmas, brings us so many gifts. He is all knowing, powerful, the Prince of Peace and the true giver of joy. His light in all of us makes Santa, magical and wonderful Santa, as real as ever. If we are willing to BELIEVE, anticipate, ask for and wait patiently, He will not fail us.

The woman I have been assigned to minister to (in our women's organization we are assigned to look after the wellbeing of a few women) is not an active member of the church. Her choices have led her down difficult paths. Her health is very poor, and her resources are very poor. She has become a good friend. Without Santa, she and her two children would not have a very abundant Christmas. I rallied the women in our congregation to provide Christmas for this family. Money poured in, gift cards were donated, a warm, Christmas dinner was offered, and then I took this mother shopping this past week. We shopped and wrapped and talked.

Today I dropped off the gifts while her kids were at school.

You can't really tell how many gifts are there, but there are a LOT. Some are needs, many are wants. Santa is the Spirit of Christmas, and He most definitely came to this family this year.

What gifts will he bring YOU this year?  BELIEVE.

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