Thursday, August 30, 2018

Tennie is Flying!

After a lifetime of dreaming, months of studying and applying, and weeks of preparing and packing, Tennie is officially a freshman at BYU!

We were concerned her stuff wouldn't fit into her small dorm space, but it did.

Getting it all in the car was a little squeezy.

It was strange for her to see her old stuff (and some new stuff) in a different space. I don't remember the feelings of moving out on my own, but I was reminded what a big deal it is and how much courage it takes.

In all the preparations and hoopla there wasn't really time to process the reality of it. We're all just so excited for her. While nervous, she is so excited too.

We went out to dinner with Davey and Erica and kids. They will be a great resource to her in Provo. And her roommate didn't show up on move-in day, so we didn't get to meet her.

We left her in the evening as she was meeting up with a few girls we had met earlier to go to an opening dance/social. These next few days are orientation and a lot of social engagement. Classes start on Tuesday.

Go Tennie Go!

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