Sunday, August 19, 2018

Daddy Daughter Summer Campout

Every summer Geoff takes the girls camping. I stay home by myself. All by myself. I love it!

They took off on a Thursday afternoon, found a beautiful, free campsite up American Fork canyon and set up camp.

Tennie was off on an adventure on her own with a friend in Rocky Mountain National Park, but Adele and Ceci took over the fire building and cooking. Geoff said he spent a lot of time in a hammock reading!

Friday they picked up a good friend, Nina, to join them. Those three girls sang Mama Mia songs at the top of their lungs,  carved spears to catch fish (rocks), did a very loud rain dance to bring on the rain (and just moments later a fierce thunder and lightening storm raged just overhead!) and other silly shenanigans. Good friends who bring out your true self are a treasure!


I love the tea warming over the fire and Ceci's rock plate!

After exploring the woods, taking a freezing, sudsy bath in the river because of a poison oak scare and packing up, they went and jumped off the bridge in Provo canyon that they discovered during Blackberry Days.

They came home tired, dirty and full of good stories to tell. So long summer.

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