Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Back to School

Sunday night we had our Back-to-School feast (which is really just a nice Sunday dinner with the presentation of a theme.) I didn't get a picture of the table, or my banner introducing our theme, but here it resides for the remainder of the school year, on our information-center bulletin board.

This seems kind of a strange school theme, but LIFE is school, and this is a good theme for life. Besides, our current prophet is hastening things along, and with all of the changes and standards he is setting, and societal influence, and cultural drift, our hope is to put our faith in God's mouthpiece, whether we understand or agree with his words at first.

We had a very good discussion about following a prophet. Genuine questions were asked and explored. But our main takeaway was this very clear warning:

Doctrine & Covenants 1:14
...the day cometh that they who will not hear the voice of the Lord, neither the voice of his servants, neither give heed to the words of the prophets and apostles, shall be cut off from among the people.

It will be a good focus this year.

Yesterday Ceci started her 8th-grade year, her final year at the charter school she loves. She threw on some summer clothes, pulled her hair into a ponytail and was off. Love this no-frills kid.

Adele has been trying to decide the right educational mix for her year. Did she want to go back to her old school? Does she want the flexibility of homeschool? Does she want concurrent enrollment classes? How can she best pursue her greatest interests? How can she prepare for college? Decisions aren't super easy for her, and we walked her through decision-making processes, but ultimately she was to make the choice. The day before school started, she made the decision to do half and half. She'll homeschool and do two blocks at her old high school. She is formulating a plan for her days, which I'll report on when in place. I admire her determination to make learning meaningful for her.
11th grade will be good.

And Tennie starts in a couple weeks at BYU! There is a lot of newness and upheaval around here lately! All good and exciting.

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